Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Different types of load cells and their uses

With a wide range of load cells are available now worldwide has different specifications and is better suited for some jobs than others. So how do you know that the load cell is used for each application? Here's a look at some of the different loads cells, a brief description is obtained, and are more suitable for use.

Compression Load Cell - DL - load cells are usually described by a set of aspects that people generally want to know the scope, overload, and accuracy. This compression load cell has a range of 50, 100, 150, 250, 500, 1,000, 1,500, 2,000, 3,000, 4,000, 5,000 kg. Overload capacity of up to 1,000%, and accuracy is described as Industrial 0.10%, 0.05% accuracy, precision 0.025%. Type A test cell shock loads which means it can handle a lot of things that happen in the environment, does not affect the reading, so it is ideal for harsh, such as construction environments.

Hydraulic cells - this is a type of mechanical load cell. Have different weights of up to 10 million pounds, and the accuracy is 0.25%. Type of load cells can handle the side effects as well and is almost insensitive to temperature. The disadvantage is that they are expensive and complicated to use. Because they can handle this effect is often used to tank, tank and hopper, and dangerous areas.

Pneumatic Load Cell - This is another type of mechanical load cell. It has a variety of heavy and high accuracy. On the plus side they are inherently safe and do not contain fluid but on the downside they have a low response rate and need to be cleaned regularly with dry air. Load cell types commonly used in the food industry and hazardous areas.

Flexural and shear beam load cell - the cell has a heavy load capacity 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 250, 500 kg. Load provides measurable results trimmed to 2 mV / V • 0.1%, solid stainless steel construction, sealed to IP67 and 6 wire technique with double shielded cable. Type load cell is ideal for silos, tanks and hoppers.


  1. Wow, these load cells have quite a bit of compression load ranges. I've only seen my load cell at 1000 kg. I'm thinking of getting a higher capacity of load cells. What should i consider?
    Celine |

  2. Load cells are also referred to as load transducers. Their purpose is to convert a mechanical force into an electrical signal. The transducers are used in many different industries to monitor tension and compression. Thank you for this post :)

  3. Thank you for sharing this information. This is really helpful to know more about load cells.

    Compression Load Cell | Shear Beam Load Cell
